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As we all know, COVID-19 has changed our temporary lives as we once knew it.  I have faith that this is a season that will pass.  My family is choosing to self-isolate due to the fact that I have an auto-immune lung disease which puts me at a high risk.  I just want to go over a few things to reassure any potential puppy buyer's or just those of you that enjoy keeping up on all our adorable babies.

There are some things the CDC does know about this awful virus.  It is not the same CoronaVirus that we vaccinate our dogs for.  BUT I want to reassure you that our puppies are and have always been vaccinated against many things, CoronaVirus being one of them.  No threat for our puppies.

We know that these times can be stressful and some of us will suffer from anxiety.  A new puppy is a great way to alleviate a great deal of this suffering.  I include a kit including everything you will need for your puppy so there is no need for a trip to pet store.

 In regards to puppy deliveries....I can personally deliver but I require masks until we are no longer isolating.  I do have a plan for safety during pick up as well.  If needed, call me and we can go over details. 


If there are any questions you have in regards to COVID-19 and my puppies, please call, text, or email me.